Clinic Consultations

Parkinson disease consultation

Movement disorders clinic provides a comprehensive consultation care to the patients and their caregivers.  The goal is to assess comprehensively various medical issues and formulation of therapeutic goals.  In addition, all efforts are done during consultation to incorporate, every person’s beliefs and practices to have comprehensive care of the patient and their family expectations.

Caregiver Counselling


Caregiver burnout is one of the major concerns in all long term degenerative disorders.  It’s well known fact that many primary caregivers end up having significant issues.  The topic of care giver burnout is usually highlighted with all families from the initial consults to help to adjust the social burden and care. The clinic tries to triage the caregivers to see if any require specific attentions for interventions.


Botox injections

There are various ways to do a chemodenervation, among them Botulinum Toxin injections (commonly known as botox injections) is the well known. The clinic runs the botulinum toxin clinics to address the various requirement of movement disorders patients.

Dopaminergic Clinics

Apomorphine, Continous Dopaminergic therapy

Continous Dopaminergic therapies are the advanced options of therapies for Parkinson’s disease patients.   These therapies help to overcome the motor fluctuations in these patients to improve the quality of life.  Some of the continous dopaminergic therapies include Apomorphine pump therapy and Leovodopa carbidopa intestinal gel.



Patients with various movement disorders, resistant to medical drug therapies would be assessed for possible surgical therapy benefits and managed thereafter. Various surgical therapies offered include lesionectomies and Deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Support Groups

PD support groups

Patients and caregivers are suggested to actively get involved in support groups which work  on ailments they are suffering from.   It helps in both confidence building measure and also to plan for the future.  The clinic provides and updates the list of available support groups to help everyone.

Specialty clinics

Rare Movement Disroders

Common disorders get attention everywhere.  Rare disorders require specific attention to address the issues and care.  We run specialty Rare Movement Disorders Clinic for Wilson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease among the other disease.